Saturday, 16 January 2016

Building My Dollhouse | Part 1.2

Hello guys!
I am back again for Part 1.2 of building my dollhouse. This post I started painting the walls of this floor and we put a divider in. My friend Lucy came over for 2 nights to help me with the painting and so we could have some fun!

Here is when we started painting. We added the divider in, and the laundry (on the left) is 50cm wide and the family room (on the right) is 130cm wide. The colour paint we used for the laundry is called 'Pleasantly Fresh' and the colour paint we used for the family room is 'Glacier Cloud'. 

Here is the mint paint in the holder. We used rollers for the walls and a small paintbrush for the corners of the walls we couldn't reach with the rollers. 

Here's the laundry up closer. 

Here's my dad painting the corners for us. 

Lucy waiting to start painting! 

Here's Lucy starting to paint...

Here's Lucy in the middle of painting the family room!

Here's the first coat of the laundry. 

And the first coat of the family room! 

Here are the walls all dry. 

My dad painting the corners for us again.

Here is the second coat done! 

We left the paint to dry overnight, here is the floor in the morning, including some work we did earlier during the day. 

Here is what the floor looked like in the morning.

We finished painting the 3rd coat and let it try. This is what the laundry looked like!

And here is the living room.

I hope you guys enjoyed Part 1.2 of building my dollhouse! I just painted today and in 2 weeks when I am back at my dads we will work on the floor, ceiling and lights! Stay tuned for the next post. 

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Building My Dollhouse | Part 1

Hello guys!
As you can probably tell by the title, I am building a dollhouse for my dolls! Thank you to the lovely team at Dolly Dorm Diaries for giving me the inspiration for this dollhouse. Now let's get started! 

First we chose the length for all of the wood pieces. I am using compressed wood. We measured the wall where my dollhouse was doing to be, and concluded that it was going to be 180cm long, 60cm high and 60cm in depth. 

The price for the small pieces of wood (for the walls on the side) was $10.25 each piece and costed for us $20.50 for 2 pieces of wood (this is all in AUD). 

The price for the longer pieces of wood (for the floor and back wall) was $16.15 each piece and costed us $32.30 for 2 pieces of wood (in AUD). We did not buy a piece for the roof as we have to add the dividers in later. 

Here is everything placed into a trolley, ready for the side wall pieces to be cut to size. 

Our wood was cut and here was everything we bought. We also bought screws, PVA wood glue and some rollers for the bottom of the dollhouse. 

Everything was packed in the car and ready to go! 

Here is all the wood in the work space we are using to put the first floor together and paint it.

I started by removing all the labels on the wood whilst my dad went and got a screwdriver for the screws. 

Here is all the wood organised into piles for easy access. 

We chose the piece we were using for the floor, and started working out how we were going to put it together. 

My cat Soxy wanted to help us out!

Here is where we had nailed the holes just so they were touching the other end so it was easier for us the get the screws into the other pieces of wood. 

My dad screwing one of the screws in (I wasn't strong enough!) 

We worked out what piece we were going to put together next, we decided to put the right wall up first. We added glue to the side and bottom of the wood, so it stuck better and was easier to screw in.

We finished screwing the piece together, and this is what the house started to look like! 

As you can see we did the same process of glueing the wood on the left side. 

We have finished screwing the left side wood piece in! 

Now we had to flip it over and screw the floor in place. First we glued the floor to the other pieces of wood, helping us with the screwing. 

We had finished screwing the screws on, and it was starting to come together! 

We then added these caps to the bottom to make it easier to move and make sure it doesn't scrape the floor. 

We are finished the floor and this is what Ophelia looks like inside the room. It's the perfect size. 

Ophelia is enjoying watching us build the house! 

This floor is going to have the laundry and the living/family/school room. Stay tuned for part 2 were we build the next floor of the house! 

Tuesday, 22 December 2015


Hello guys,

Its Angie here, thank you so much for 5000 views on this little blog! Follow my American Girl Instagram here . Would you like to send me some items to review, or know another brand that you think would like to collaborate with me? Email me at: . Thank you again so much! 

Here is a photo of Ophelia for you guys! Photoshoot coming soon, featuring another beautiful girl. Its a surprise! 

Friday, 11 December 2015

New Video on YouTube!

Hello guys!

I have a few new videos on the YouTube channel, click the videos below to watch them! 

I hope you guys enjoy them as much as I did making them! Check out my YouTube channel here

Saturday, 21 November 2015

I'm Back! // Photoshoot

Hey guys,

I'm back! I took a short break from blogging on this blog, and I am pleased to say I can't wait to post more on here! But for now here is a photoshoot of Grace that I took!

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this photoshoot! I am also thinking of re-naming Grace, please comment down below some names. I was thinking Ophelia would be nice.