Thursday, 22 January 2015

Which doll?

Hi guys,

I was wondering, which doll, set or doll + set would you like me to review next? I am currently doing Julie's! Also, Grace is coming in a few weeks so do you want me to keep posting the reviews and maybe so crafts? What would you like to see on this blog more? Please feel free to send your answers to my email on my contact page, or down below! thanks guys, I can't believe I only started this blog a week ago! I have had so many people looking at it, and Amaya from Fun With AG Fan commented on one of my posts! 

I am saving up also for the MAG #61! She is really pretty, and I like her hair! I am also saving up for the rest of Graces accessories I liked! 

If you have any ideas or craft requests or anything in general, feel free to go to my contact page and email me! thanks guys! 

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