Saturday, 4 April 2015

Retired Dolls

Hi guys,

As you possibly know, I love AG retired stuff, so here is a list of the dolls I like! 

Chrissa Maxwell (GOTY 2009)
Elizabeth Cole (Historial Character)
Emily Bennett (Historical Character) 
Gwen Thompson (GOTY 2009)
Isabelle Palmer (GOTY 2014) 
Just Like You #36 
American Girl Kanani Akina (GOTY 2011)
Lanie Holland (GOTY 2010) 
McKenna Brooks (GOTY 2012) 
Mia St. Clair (GOTY 2008) 

Ruthie Smithens (Historical Character) 
Saige Copeland (GOTY 2013) 
Sonali Matthews (GOTY 2009)

If you are selling any of these dolls, please email me! I would love to buy them (At a reasonable price). Which one do you like? 

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