Today I am going to finish reviewing Julie's Set! So lets get started!
I really like Julie's Accessories, but I think its a bit overpriced for $24! I like the dye die handbag, and her purple sunglasses! Her flower headband is cute as well. Overall I really like this set, and am going to save up for it!
Julie's Hairstyling Set is cute, but I reckon its too expensive for $24! I really like the rainbow ribbon hair ties! The hair dryer is a nice addition, and the 2 brushes you add on the hair dryer is a good addition! Overall I really like this set, and am going to save up for it!
I like Julie's Snack Set, but I think its a bit overpriced for $50! I like the pink and purple hugging monkeys, and the little drinking glass with an owl on it full of iced tea is cute as well! The popcorn is nice, and so is the 3 deviled eggs and celery sticks with peanut butter! I like the Gelatin treat, the 2 plates and the little yellow phone! Overall I really like this set, and am going to save up for it!
I like Julie's Pet Bunny, and it's a good price for $24! I like his chocolate brown fur, and its plush and soft! I like the little wooden basket, and blue cushion that says nutmeg on it! The three little carrots are cute, and make this set unique! Overall I really like this set and am going to save up for it!
I like Julie's School Lunchbox, but I think its a bit overpriced for $28! I like the floral pattern on the lunchbox and insulated bottle! Her sandwich is cute, and the little chocolate cupcake and chips are as well! Overall I really like this set, and am going to save up for it!
I really like Julie's Roller Skates, and its a good price for $20! I like the yellow and blue colours on the roller skates, and they look so realistic! And I also like the white, red and blue socks! Overall I really like this set, and am going to save up for it!
I like Julie's Banana Seat Bike, but I think its a bit expensive for $115! I like the red blue and white thing inside the wheels and on the seat! The strings on the handles are nice, and the blue frame is a nice colour! I like how they have straps for her feet and hands! I like the little basket at the front as well, and the pedals and the wheels really move! Overall I really like this set and am going to save up for it!
I like Julie's Sound Set, but I think its a bit expensive for $38! I like her tape recorder, her record player and the little bag for carrying Julie's music! I like the colour of this set, and the little records are so cute! Overall I really like this set, but I don't think I am going to buy it!
Julie's Mini Doll is so cute, and a good price for $25! I like how she looks exactly the same as Julie but in a mini size! I am definitely going to get this for my dolls! Overall I really like this doll, and am going to save up for it!
Well, thats all of Julie's set I hoped you liked it! Feel free to comment on the last post your ideas! What would you like to see on this blog?
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