Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Opening AG package!

Hi guys,

A couple of weeks ago I bought a package on Ebay, and it finally came today!! I bought the  very cool Polar Bear Pajama's! One of the AG retired outfits. I liked the outfit when it came out 2 years ago, but I didn't get the chance to buy it so I bought it now! 
This was the package it came in. When I got home I was so excited to open it right up! 

Opening the box... 

The My American Girl package inside! 

The package ready to be opened! 

Opening the package... 

Finally opened, look how cute the pjs are! 

The little charm packet.

The little charm inside of it! (I didn't get dressed, thats why you can see my school socks!)

The whole outfit! 

The cute little slippers that come with it! 

I like the fluff it looks so real and feels so real! 

The hairbands are so small and so cute! 

The pants are so cute, and they have little polar bears on them! 

I just LOVE the top! I like the blue lace and the light blue colour to it and the little buttons!

That is the American Girl sign up close! it has a lot of detail put into it! 

This is the outfit overall! I really like it, and can't wait to use it! It is adorable! 

I really like this outfit, and I can't wait for Grace to try it on! What retired outfits do you have? What dolls do you think this outfit would look great on? Have a good day everyone! 

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