Saturday, 14 February 2015

Opening Grace GOTY 2015

Hi guys,

On Wednesday I got a package from American Girl... Grace GOTY 2015! I was so excited to open her, so here we go! 
The box I got! 

Ready to be opened... so much suspense!

All of the things out of the big box

Grace's Welcome Gifts. 


The cute beret! I love the sequins, and the love heart + its pink!!

Grace's Macaroons from La Pâtisserie! So cute, and all different shades of pink! 

Here you can see all the different colours of the macaroons, like light pink medium pink and dark pink! 

Unfortunately, the macaroons are all stuck together! I think its for safety reasons though! 

The cute eiffel tower cookies! I am so going to put these in my doll kitchen! Plus, they are so detailed too. 

The so cute bunch of flowers! They are adorable, and I love the polka dot wrapping around the flowers. The flowers are fake by the way. 

The so cute postcards for Ella, Maddy and her Grandma + Grandpa! They have the seine I think it is, The Louvre and the Eiffel Tower! 

All of the Welcome Gifts together! 

Grace in her box, you can see her face above ^ lol!

Being opened... the suspense lol! 

Her opened, with her book which I loved! 

I love her book, and really want to get the next two! 

Her earrings, include red hearts, light blue bows, and eiffel tower earrings! 

The blue bow earrings. 

The red heart earrings. 

The eiffel tower earrings, you put one of the other earrings through the hole and the eiffel tower dangles down. 

Her out of the box! She looks so gorgeous. 

She decided to rest before any more photos, but I sneakily took one hehe! 

Her standing up, she looks so gorgeous! 

Grace's Charm Bracelet, sorry it's out of focus! I like the charms they are: her dog bonbon, her suitcase, a macaroon from La Pâtisserie, the Eiffel Tower, a postcard and a love heart! 

Grace with all of her accessories, she looks so perfect and just gorgeous! I love her and am glad I bought her! 

This is her braid, but I decided to take it out! 

I just love her so much, and I am going to save up for her clothes and some of her accessories! I can't wait to buy more stuff for her! Also, please go check out Amaya here , AGwebkins010 here and lastly AGoverseasfan here I love these guys and they are so amazing! 

I hope you like me opening Grace, and if you would like to see anything, please comment below! I will also have a craft posted up, and if there is any crafts you would like to see me make please comment below as well! 

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