Saturday, 20 June 2015

Etsy Finds

Hey guys,

Here are a few Etsy things I want for my dolls! 

This awesome Cinderella dress is awesome, my dolls would love to dress up in it! Link here

This Elsa dress is awesome, and will be good for Anna and Elsa Cosplays! I think I will ask them to make it for me though! Link here

This Anna dress is awesome, and will be good for Anna and Elsa cosplays! Link here

This rapunzel dress is awesome, and i love it! Link here 

This Merida dress is so awesome, and really gorgeous! Link here

This Snow White dress is so pretty, and really well made too! Link here

This Belle dress is gorgeous, and would look good on Grace! Link here

This Jasmine outfit is so pretty, and it is really good! Link here

This Ariel outfit is awesome and looks like a real tail! Link here

This Tinkerbell outfit is so cute! I love the dress it is so pretty. Link here

This Aurora dress is so pretty, and so pink! Link here

This Mulan dress is awesome, and is exactly like the real one! Link here

Well I hope you enjoyed this post, and please do not buy these items because I want them. 

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