Saturday, 20 June 2015

Dolls and About Them

Hey guys, 

Since I am getting more dolls, I thought I would do an about me for each one of them and show you guys what they look like! Lets get started: 

Name: Julie Eve Smith 
Description: Age 11, and loves to play basketball and 70's hippie stuff. Julie used to hate basketball, but she has grown a love for it. She calm and cheerful.

Name: Kit Eve Smith 
Description: Age 10, love to use her typewriter and wants to be a reporter when she is older. Kit loves to pretend she is a famous reporter, and interviews her sister all the time. She is considerate and cooperative. 

Name: Rebecca Eve Smith 
Description: Age 12, she love to act and sing. Rebecca loves to dress up, and she has the most costumes out of everyone in the family. She is daring and dramatic. 

Name: Samantha Eve Smith 
Description: Age 12, she loves climbing trees, having adventures and playing with friends. Samantha is known to ruin her dresses, and her older sisters always get annoyed with her. She is adventurous and energetic.

Name: Sienna Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 10. She loves to horse ride and get dirty. Sienna used to always fall off her horse, Star, but has gotten better control over her. She is faithful and forgiving. 

Name: Bella Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 11. She loves to do gymnastics, and occasionally gets convinced to horse ride with Sienna. Bella has won the National Gymnastics Champion title, and was so happy when she was awarded it. She is girly and good-natured. 

Name: Sophie Eve Smith
Description: Age: 10. She is the tomboy of the family and loves to get dirty and muddy, and she likes to play soccer. Sophie was convinced once to eat soap, and she hiccupped for a whole hour! She is freethinking and enthusiastic. 

Name: Avery Eve Smith 
Description: Age 9. She is one of the girly-girls of the family, second after Kenzie. Avery's favourite colour is purple and she loves doing her hair. She is gentle and humble.  

Name: Kenzie Eve Smith 
Description: Age 9. She is the #1 girly-girl of the family, and she loves pink! Kenzie likes to hang out with Avery, and she thinks everything would be better if it was pink. She is self-centred and optimistic. 

Name: Evie Smith 
Description: Age: 13. She is one of the eldest in the family, and she acts like a teenager. Evie loves to sit on her laptop on Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr. She is organised and loveable. 

Name: Amy Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 12. She loves to play tennis, and thinks of herself as a champion. Amy is always convinced to wear makeup by Kenzie, which she hates. She is patient and peaceful.

Name: Ellen Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 11. She does no activities, and she loves to study. Ellen is considered the smarty pants in the family and likes to do grade 9 algebra. She is studious and responsible. 

Name: Zara Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 13. She is a tomboy, and loves to play cricket, basketball and other sports. Zara is a teenager and loves to act in charge. She is selfless and athletic. 

Name: Sarah Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 10. She loves blogging and likes taking tumblr style picks. Sarah loves being stylish and on trend. She is sweet and artful. 

Name: Emma Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 10. She loves gymnastics, and can be seen doing grand-jete's in the supermarket aisles. Emma loves Harry Potter and thinks she is named after the actor Emma Watson (She isn't really!) She is trusting and strong-hearted. 

Name: Holly Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 12. She wants to be a photographer when she is older, and no one can stop her becoming one. Holly is also forced to wear makeup, but she kinda likes it sometimes! She is courageous and sympathetic. 

Name: Pandora Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 11. She loves to horse ride, and she loves everything about horses. Pandora loves to read books, especially the Saddle Club series. She is stable and sociable. 

Name: Summer Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 10. As you can probably tell by her name she loves summer and all things fun + sun. Summer loves to play volleyball and her favourite position is right side hitter. She is reliable and open. 

Name: Ellie Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 12. She loves to play netball and her favourite position is goal attack. Ellie spends some of her time reading and writing in her top-secret diary. She is imaginative and humorous.

Name: Mia Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 10. She loves loves loves to play netball, like her sister Ellie, and her favourite position is goal shooter. Mia also likes to ice skate, and thinks the costumes are so pretty. She is kind and generous. 

Name: Naomi Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 9. She loves to do swimming, just like her older sister Caroline. Naomi loves to do freestyle, backstroke and relays. She is noble and honest. 

Name: Lizzie Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 12. She loves to play the violin, and she is on grade 5 in exams! Lizzie has been playing the violin for so long, and she is inspired by her mums friend Holly Baker! She is genuine and fun-loving. 

Name: Bethany Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 13. She loves to do YouTube videos, and is a real fashionista. Bethany always asks her sister Holly to take photos of her, and she wishes to be a model one day. She is fair and elegant. 

Name: Chloe Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 10. She wants to be an actress when she is older, and is always auditioning in plays hoping to get a role! Chloe has been Princess Jasmine in Aladdin, and she says it was her favourite role yet. She is curious and balanced. 

Name: Katie Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 11. She loves to do dancing, and jazz is her favourite dance style. Katie used to do ballet, but she thought it wasn't her style and she decided to stick to Jazz. She is hearty and clever. 

Name: Leah Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 10. She loves kawaii things, and she orders a lot of things from Japan. Leah loves to wear kawaii outfits and share her spirit. She is knowledgeable and girly. 

Name: Ava Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 12. She loves to do gymnastics and has gone to a lot of state championships. Ava has a love of leotards, and loves aqua and sparkly ones. She is persuasive and playful. 

Name: June Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 10. She loves to study, and spends a lot of time doing online tests and worries a lot about going to the dentist. June thinks that she will definitely need braces and glasses. She is practical and resourceful.
Name: Callie Eve Smith 
Description: Age: 10. She loves to do horse riding, and does a lot of competitions with her horse, Spot. Callie is always told do do dancing, but she isn't interested in it. She is steady and careful.

Well, thats it! I hope you enjoyed the list of dolls I am going to get, and I cannot look forward to getting them all! 

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